第19屆的 Bondi Sculpture by the Sea (22 Oct - 8 Nov 2015)開跑了.喜歡看戶外雕塑的宅媽雖然沒有像樣的照相機還是衝了.沒買介紹小冊,請大家自行看圖說故事.
#76 Naidee Changmoh, Fun! ~~這個太可愛了.有大人小孩都學著倒立呢.
#103 RCM Collective, the bottles (前方) Statement: A sculptural portrait of human-sized cleaning agents becoming marine life. The work animates a disconnection between consumer waste and the natural environment.
#105 Annette Thas,Wave 2 (後方)
#105 Annette Thas, Wave 2 Statement: We all have our own childhood memories coming towards us at different times in our lives. Do you go with the flow or dive through?
~~這麼多芭比娃娃!! 我覺得有點可怕耶.
#16 Gao Xiaowu, city dreams
#97 Tae-Geun Yang, pig of fortune #2
Kim Perrier, ashes to ashes. ~~樹幹布滿男女老幼的石炭臉,很有意思.剛好藝術家在場.
#101 Norton Flavel, dust Statement: References our relationship to the land, our perceived ownership and our own materiality.
Michael Van Dam, intervention Statement: In the early '70s there were estimated to be fewer than 200 humpback whales left. Now, with help from us, there are more than 20,000.
#63 Sandra Pitkin, keep safe/keepsafe
Jörg Plickat.divided planet.~~獲得最大獎(AU$60,000 Macquarie Group Sculpture Prize)
Peter Lundbert, Open.
#75 Davin Nurimba and Arissara Reed. Acoustic Chamber.Statement: A walk-in acoustic chamber that resonates its own sound environment as well as the echo of the ocean.
Kathleen Berney, minden jó lesz 1953 (all shall be well) Statement: From Budapest to Bondi. The work represents the artist, child of refugee boat people, on a slippery dip in this exact location in 1953. Childhood memories slide in and out of consciousness
#52 Seung-Hwan Kim, meditation 2015 #1 Statement: The method of stacking multiple chairs delivers the intention of coexistence and harmonious advancement among people.
Barbara Licha, listen time passes ~~我覺得像幽靈.
Chen Wenling, harbour ~~是在做日光浴嗎?
#9 Unknowable,Terra, Stone object in landscape. Statement : Here sits a large stone. It has been here for eons and it will remain here long after those who view it have come and gone.
Sculpture Inside裡有參展藝術家的小型作品.左邊是臨時搭的The Grounds by the Sea咖啡店.
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