





2011,8年級時把拔給她Nokia C5-03,升級到智慧型手機耶.雖然身邊很多同學都是用iphone等高階智慧型手機,她知道把拔馬麻的勤儉持家,也沒要求要買,不過在學校經常借同學iphone來玩遊戲.

p.s.學校裡有同學生日時,大家會集資買禮物.那年同學們送她的禮物是 ipod touch 和一些配件,讓她玩個過癮別再煩人.(~~愛玩遊戲的馬麻也借來玩呢!)

2012.4 馬麻終於跟上時代潮流買了已降價的Samsung S2,囡囡醬蠻羨慕滴拿來玩,把拔看在眼裡,過不久竟給她 HTC One S.

2013.07.18 囡囡醬手機在學校不見了!!


平時對囡囡醬嘻皮笑臉的把拔蠻心疼手機不見,將她訓誡一頓後放馬後砲說不是有那種找遺失手機的app嗎? 孤陋寡聞的馬麻那裡會知道?? google 一下真的有幾個 android app 有這種功能!!

找到這個 Android Lost app,就算手機已遺失只要沒關機,有電,有開網路,有登入google account,沒被換掉sim卡 (這些是個人認知) 還是可以安裝喔.

Android Lost 中文教學,功能,實測請看:

請注意: 安裝 android lost時會要求取得管理員權限 (Request Administrator rights),有顧慮的話就不要安裝這個軟體. 官網(以google帳號登入)設定好之後, 將來就可以從官網或由預設的手機號碼甚至任何手機+預設pincode送簡訊來遙控手機.

先拿自己的手機下載軟體來試試,可以讓手機發出警報聲,查手機位置/status,開關聲音/blue tooth/GPS/WiFi,送簡訊到手機,打英文message讓手機讀出,錄音,用前後相機照相.(~~還有其他功能沒試.) 一下遙控放警報, 一下遙控手機讀出搞笑message,玩的很開心.

馬麻常將手機靜音然後隨手亂放,有時都要找好久.有了這個軟體就不怕找不到手機 (~~只要有電).



回家充電後,馬麻讓她在電腦登入google account,在google play找到Android Lost app,用雲端安裝軟體在她手機.用自己手機送簡訊"androidlost register" 到她手機註冊和啟用軟體,再到官網設定.




SMS commands


Use the SMS pincode or SMS allow to allow other phones to control your phone. This is a very useful feature in case your phone is not connected to the internet or if you google account has been disabled on your phone so Google cannot push messages to your phone. If your phone is stolen and the thief changes your sim card your account on the phone will be disabled.

Available SMS commands

androidlost status (sends back the status)
androidlost alarm 5 (sounds the alarm for 5 seconds)
androidlost message Hi there! Call 55523424 to get the reward (pops up a message on the phone)
androidlost sound on (enables sound)
androidlost sound off (mutes sound)
androidlost speak come home now Brian (speaks the message out loud)
androidlost data start (starts the data connection)
androidlost data stop (stops the data connection)
androidlost wifi start (starts the wifi connection)
androidlost wifi stop (stops the wifi connection)
androidlost call 12345678 (calls the number 12345678)
androidlost hangup (hangs up the active call)
androidlost recordsound 30 (records 30 seconds from microphone)
androidlost getcommands (tries to get waiting commands from server)
androidlost apn copy (copies existing APN and sets it default)
androidlost apn remove (removes copy APN and sets previous default)
androidlost apn enable (enables copy APN)
androidlost apn disable (disables copy APN)
androidlost gps (locates the phone and returns an SMS)
androidlost lock 1234 (locks the phone to pincode 1234)
androidlost unlock (unlocks the phone)
androidlost troubleshooter (starts the Troubleshooter)
androidlost startpoll (polls the server for new messages)
androidlost stoppoll (stops polling)
androidlost restoresettings (gets the settings from the server)
androidlost updatephoneinfo (overwrites the server settings with settings from the phone)
androidlost startapp (starts the app)
androidlost erasesdcard (erases the sd card)
androidlost wipe (wipes the phone)


I cannot uninstall the app!

The reason why it is so hard to remove is that you have given the app administrator rights. This is part of the android API and not something I have done to annoy anyone. There are three ways to remove the admin rights:

From the web page click Gear icon->Phone->Unregister
Open the app and press Menu->Advanced->Uninstall app
Go to your phone settings under security and remove the admin rights: Menu->settings->location and security->select device administrators->uncheck personal notes

Any of the three ways should remove the admin rights and then you will be able to uninstall the app.


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